26 May 2005
The Bottom Line
Using Bayesian statistics, Outlook Spam Filter achieves a great spam detection rate and is really easy to use. Visit Their Web Site Pros Outlook Spam Filter uses Bayesian filtering with high accuracy You can test outgoing mail for its potential of being filtered as spam with Outlook Spam Filter In spite of a multitude of features, Outlook Spam Filter is really easy to use Cons Outlook Spam Filter does not allow you to specify folders to scan automatically Outlook Spam Filter produces some false positives initially Description Outlook Spam Filter is an anti-spam plug-in for Outlook. Outlook Spam Filter uses Bayesian statistical analysis to detect spam. Since Outlook Spam Filter comes pre-trained, there is no compulsory learning period. Additionally, Outlook Spam Filter has black and white lists of senders and simple phrase filtering. People you mail can be added to the white list of allowed senders automatically. Outlook Spam Filter can also filter all non-English messages automatically. Spam is moved to a special junk mail folder by Outlook Spam Filter. Outlook Spam Filter can also test your outgoing mail for spaminess, helping you avoid filters. Outlook Spam Filter supports Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/3/XP and Outlook 2000/2002.
Anti Spam Filter for Outlook - Outlook Express and Servers
SPAMfighter is Europe's leading Anti Spam Filter developer, providing Spam Protection for hundreds of thousands of home and corporate users on PC's and Servers. If you need a spam filter for your home/office PC or you need to spam protect a server, you have come to the right place. 559.893 users are already Spam protected by SPAMfighter, and in the last 24 hours 1.136 new SPAMfighters joined the battle. If a SPAMfighter receives a spam mail that is not detected by SPAMfighter, the user reports the spam mail with one click, and it's removed from the rest of the SPAMfighters in seconds. SPAMfighter Standard is a free tool for Outlook and Outlook Express that automatically and efficiently filters spam and phisning fraud. Whenever new mail arrives, it will automatically be tested by SPAMfighter, and if it's spam, it will be moved to your spam folder. If you receive a spam mail that is not detected, click on a single button, and the spam mail is removed from the rest of the 559.893 SPAMfighters in 194 countries/areas in seconds
Stop Spam
OE Spam FiltersWith Spam Arrest, you can continue to use your current email address and email program (such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora or Thunderbird), or use our online webmail system to access your email from anywhere.Spam Arrest offers you control over your inbox! You can decide who is allowed to send you email by importing your personal address book, or entering your known and approved contact addresses directly into the system. Emails from unknown senders will receive an auto-reply message containing a "challenge" -- if or when the sender completes the challenge (the response), their email is forwarded to your inbox, and they are then added to your authorized sender list. The challenge is easy for people, but impossible for automated systems (i.e. spambots) to complete. You can still review emails from unauthorized senders on our website at any time (in your "unverified" folder), as well as manually approve senders from whom you wish to receive email. The Spam Arrest system keeps your account simplified and uncluttered by automatically deleting unverified emails after 7 days. The Spam Arrest challenge/response system effectively blocks all the spam while still allowing friends, family and trusted contacts to email you without the risk of being filtered out by imprecise software systems.
Guide Review - Outlook Spam Filter 3.0
Using Bayesian statistics, Outlook Spam Filter achieves a high spam detection rate almost effortlessly. Since Outlook Spam Filter has already been trained with thousands of spam messages, no learning period is necessary, and you can profit from it moving spam to a special folder right away. Unfortunately (though naturally), the initial corpus will not be perfect for the mail you receive, so you may see some misclassifications initially. In addition to Bayesian filtering, Outlook Spam Filter has black and white lists of senders and you can build simple phrase filters. While neither should be necessary, Outlook Spam filter can automatically add people you mail to your white list. Looking at your outgoing mail, Outlook Spam Filter can also tell you how spam-like it thinks the messages are. If the chance of your mail getting caught by a spam filter is high, you can reword it. Outlook Spam Filter can tell you for both incoming and outgoing messages why it considered them spam or good mail.