26 May 2005
Guide Review - Outlook Spam Filter 3.0
Using Bayesian statistics, Outlook Spam Filter achieves a high spam detection rate almost effortlessly. Since Outlook Spam Filter has already been trained with thousands of spam messages, no learning period is necessary, and you can profit from it moving spam to a special folder right away. Unfortunately (though naturally), the initial corpus will not be perfect for the mail you receive, so you may see some misclassifications initially. In addition to Bayesian filtering, Outlook Spam Filter has black and white lists of senders and you can build simple phrase filters. While neither should be necessary, Outlook Spam filter can automatically add people you mail to your white list. Looking at your outgoing mail, Outlook Spam Filter can also tell you how spam-like it thinks the messages are. If the chance of your mail getting caught by a spam filter is high, you can reword it. Outlook Spam Filter can tell you for both incoming and outgoing messages why it considered them spam or good mail.