03 August 2005
eNeighborhoods Introduces New Lead Generation Direct Mail Service
eNeighborhoods, Inc., has introduced a new Web-based marketing service enabling real estate professionals to create fully automated, personalized, color direct response marketing campaigns. The new service streamlines and automates the entire direct mail process producing personalized, relevant, high impact, customized print communications that significantly improve response rates, the company says. eNeighborhoods is announcing a series of turnkey direct response marketing programs incorporating the most up-to-date localized information about property, neighborhoods and schools. Each campaign includes customized data for each recipient’s neighborhood, such as recent home sales or aerial imagery. The system also has the ability to track and measure campaign effectiveness by incorporating unique personalized URLs (web address) offering an effective call to action and response mechanism. Expanding upon its already successful eNeighborhoods NewsLetter email service the company has announced a direct response print version of “Neighborhood News”. “This is the first in a series of direct response marketing communication campaigns we’re announcing,” explains Bryan Ehrenfreund, director of Product Development for eNeighborhoods. “The real innovation we’ve done with our new direct response service is integrating eNeighborhoods unique data, with variable printing technology, to print high quality direct mail pieces with extremely relevant data respective to each mailing address, automatically,” Ehrenfreund adds. “For example, a recipient could receive a postcard with the five most recent home sales closest to their address, or the average SAT scores of their daughter’s school district or the pricing pattern of recent homes sales, or maybe the median income of their neighbors. The sky is the limit, and the agent benefits by looking like a total expert.” The system integrates a new full-featured CRM contact management system for both email and print direct mail marketing campaigns. The new contact manager has the ability to import contact records from other programs such as Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express and Top Producer, allowing customers to easily create profiles or groups of contacts for submission into specific campaigns. For existing customers who have enrolled contacts in the eNeighborhoods NewsLetter email service but are frustrated and finding it increasingly difficult due to proliferation of spam filters to get their emails delivered they can easily enroll their contacts to begin receiving a monthly print edition of “Neighborhood News” personalized for them with recent home sales for their area. An easy one step submission process is included. “The most successful agent in town is typically the one who is the most visible, has developed a reputation as the neighborhood expert and makes every prospect the center of the universe. The new eNeighborhoods 1 to1 direct response marketing tools use sophisticated technology to make achieving these goals toward success extremely simple for our customers,” says Stu Siegel, founder and CEO of eNeighborhoods.