30 May 2005


Mirapoint Defines Next-Generation Architecture for Email Security Edge Protection

Combined introduction of personal Junk Mail Manager, Rapid Anti-Virustechnology and MailHurdle appliance helps customers to better address shifting security landscape SUNNYVALE, Calif., May 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Mirapoint, the messaging experts,today announced significant enhancements to its award-winning line ofRazorGate email security appliances that helps customers address the evolvingthreat landscape by deploying a next-generation, tiered architecture for edgeprotection. The combined introduction of the new Mirapoint Junk Mail Manager,Rapid Anti-Virus(TM) technology and MailHurdle appliance(TM) providescustomers with more complete, effective and manageable protection to securetheir number one application -- email. -- Junk Mail Manager works with any existing email server, including Microsoft Exchange, to provide uniquely flexible end-user controls for managing false-positives by keeping spam out of users' inboxes and quarantining unwanted traffic at the network edge. -- With hundreds of new viruses emerging each year, Rapid Anti-Virus technology helps customers minimize their exposure and risk from these malicious code threats during the critical first minutes of an outbreak. -- For customers with an existing security investment, the MailHurdle appliance complements these solutions and intelligently stops up to 80% of spam and virus messages at an SMTP connection layer before valuable resources are wasted and traditional filtering techniques are applied. Per-User Control with Junk Mail Manager In a recent survey Mirapoint conducted in the United Kingdom, 66% ofrespondents said that legitimate email they should have received had beenblocked by a spam filter -- known as false-positives in the industry. While51% of the respondents said time wasted was the most significant repercussion,42% acknowledged having missed important deadlines as a result of lostmessages. Junk Mail Manager leverages Mirapoint's expertise that spans thecomplete messaging lifecycle, including routing, storage, access andmanagement. As one of the only vendors with a single box solution for junkmail management, Junk Mail Manager addresses the evolving spam landscape &false-positive factor with individual quarantine mailboxes deployed on theedge security appliance. This architectural approach reduces the load on thecore mail server and network, thereby boosting overall performance andresponsiveness of the message network. Junk Mail Manager helps manage storageand eases the administrative burden by integrating per-user controls likewhite/black lists and content filters, as well as automatic message aging toauto-expire quarantined email. Designed to complement any existing mail server, Junk Mail Manager workswith traditional desktop clients like Outlook or iNotes by delivering summarydigests of quarantined messages directly to the inbox. Users can then viewcaptured messages, as well as self-manage what ultimately gets delivered totheir inbox. An intuitive web-based interface is also provided with Junk MailManager, so customers can securely log into their quarantine from any Internetbrowser and manage their email. Real-Time Protection with Rapid Anti-Virus Technology To complement Mirapoint's existing signature-based approach to virusfiltering, the Rapid Anti-Virus technology adds an additional layer of real-time protection. By using information collected on a global basis from networkprobes to address emerging threats, Rapid Anti-Virus helps customers identifyviruses in minutes from ground zero of an outbreak. In comparison, signature-based approaches alone often take up to 24 hours to get updated before theystart protecting an organization's network from attack, which is often toolate to affect the initial peak in message volumes associated with an emergingvirus propagating in the wild. Rapid Anti-Virus is based on the Zero HourVirus Protection technology licensed from Commtouch. "Commtouch is excited to expand its relationship with Mirapoint and enablea next-generation of real-time virus protection for its customers," saidGideon Mantel, CEO of Commtouch. "With the ever-growing and mutating virusthreat, Commtouch has a unique approach with the Zero Hour Virus Protectiontechnology for addressing outbreaks faster and more proactively thantraditional anti-virus signatures."

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